Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to prepare a wedding party

Nowadays, preparing a wedding party is difficult for some people because they face problems while they are doing it. So in this essay am going to write steps so that everyone can know how to prepare a one easily.

The first step is the husband to be should to have a budget or know how much more he has, he will then know how much he will spend for his wedding. After this he should know where he will make his wedding either in tent or in the hotel. There need to be one place for the females and the other one for the males. This can take some time because sometimes the place you want may not be available. After that he should buy jewelry for his wife of course she can choose it. Then he has to order the food and organize with a photographer to take wedding pictures. Just before the wedding the wife usually goes to the salon. These are the steps to prepare for a wedding party in the UAE.

In conclusion, if anyone follows these steps they will prepare their wedding without thinking that it’s difficult to do it.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Comparing between the mall and the souq

In these days there are two type of shopping either shopping in the mall or shopping in the souqs. I am going to write about the similarities and the differences between the two types of shopping. And I will write which one I prefer and why I prefer it.

There are some similarities between shopping in the mall or shopping in the souq. In the both way of shopping the customer can get the goods that they need. Also in both of the mall or souq the materials or goods are managed properly I mean all the materials which are same are together. And customer will have fun in while they are buying.

The differences are several in the mall there are air conditions everywhere while there are none in the song. Also in the souq the customer can barging about the price with the seller while in the mall the price are stable. And in the mall there are a lot of brands but in the souq there fake brands. Also in the mall the parent put their children in the place where they can play while the parents are shopping.

In my point of view I prefer shopping in the mall because its easy for me to find parking in the mall and buy the brand which they are available in the souq are not for me, I think its for old people. Also in the mall I feel relaxed because of the air conditioning and a type person who gets not so quickly

Monday, March 1, 2010

types of the porfolio

Everybody ether in the college or in the university should do some paper work and put them in binder and the submit the work done to the teacher so that I am going to write an essay explaining the way portfolio and am going to write about the two type of the portfolio and which is more better than the other type.

The portfolio is a kind of binder to organize and to cry the papers on, so there is two type of the portfolio one of them is the Paper-Based portfolio which is you can see it and touch it and the work paper on it, the other type is the online portfolio which is you can’t touch but its exist somewhere in the network.

The Paper-Based portfolio is good because everything on it is easy to see and there should not be an internet to start checking on it and the comments from the teacher are clearly visible to the students, but it has some negative points like its bulky because the person who uses it should cry it and it’s full of paper. Also the paper on it is easy to lose. And it’s hard to edit.

The online portfolio has positive points and negative point too. The positive point are that its available anywhere, easy to edit because its already in the computer, the paper would not be lost, it can be shared and commented by other student also it can link to other contact and the student could upload video and media on it. The negative point is that for the teacher can’t see how the student edits his work and it’s not good because the student should be in place where the internet available to axes to his portfolio.

In my point of view the online portfolio is much better than the Paper-Based portfolio because I have tried the booth and in the Paper-Based portfolio lose the paper I have done. And at the end of the semester the portfolio became too heavy. And the portfolio is not organized as much as the online portfolio.